We will make sure all our students in the mission field have the best biblical tools, resources, and opportunities to equip themselves with the sound theological doctrine.
Hello Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Kindly inform more Pastors, Elders, Deacons and Christian believers that there is great opportunity for those willing to do theological online studies from Certificate to Doctorate levels.
Scholarship is offered to every Applicant.
Elvin K Kawale
We are educating pastors and church leaders in the mission field who cannot afford to pay for seminary education. So we solely rely on external donations to pay for professors’ travel, accommodation, and all necessary administrative costs.
We ask for your prayers, interest, and support in equipping local pastors with ‘sound conservative reformed theology’ and building healthy churches on the mission field in a time when there is a lot of heresy and radical theological education in the mission field.
HKLTS is a mission-orientated seminary, with most students serving the church as local pastors or church leaders. Meanwhile, many local church pastors are serving their churches in the absence of theological education. The lack of theological education is often due to financial reasons, which is why HKLTS provides scholarships to cover a large portion of the tuition fees to enable these pastors to have access to education. Your support will be invaluable in equipping many pastors in the mission field with a sound theological education.
In order for the seminary to run properly, there are a lot of systems that need to run and there are costs associated with that. There are a lot of expenses, including administrative and operational expenses for the 11 satellite campuses and all the professors who teach. Since the 2020 pandemic, HKLTS has also updated its academic / student management system. In addition to the existing “In-person Class” system, HKLTS also offers Zoom classes and pre-recorded video classes to meet the needs of each satellite campus.
In order to upgrade our online classes and student/academic management system, we subscribed to a new academic portal system, Classe365, in 2023 to manage classes and students.
Your generous support will go a long way toward keeping the seminary running smoothly.
Founded in March 2010, “Life Road Singers” is a praise team, which is affiliated with ‘Life Road Mission’, that composed of classical music professionals to fulfill the mission of spreading the gospel through praise and worship.
We continue our praise mission through praise concerts at various churches and organizations, music album releases and video production, regular concerts once a year, overseas touring ministries (China, Central Asia, the U.S. and Africa), and fostering local church music leaders in the mission field.
We also promote continuous research and development of church music as professional musicians, and network with church music professionals to share our vision for mission.
Many members of the Life Road Singers serve as missionaries with Life Road Mission and as professors at Church Music Department of Hong Kong LifeRoad Theological Seminary.