Silkroad to Liferoad
Tel. (852) 5538 3501
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Our History

We’re here to help you live your calling

More than a decade of faithfulness.

Our History. The Past & Future.
The Beginning

Life Road Mission Started in 2000

Life Road Mission (LRM) agency was established in 2000 as an affiliated body of Hong Kong Korean Exodus Mission Church (HKKEMC), with a goal to dispatch “300 missionaries” to mainland China and the Silk Road area. LRM’s motto is “Silk Road to Life Road”, basically meaning that the Gospel of our Lord Jesus should be delivered along the Silk Road. As of 2019, around 60 missionaries were sent out from LRM to China, Central Asia, and South East Asian countries. We celebrate the 20th anniversary of LRM in 2020.


Life Road Theological Seminary Started in 2005

In March 2005, Life Road Theological Seminary, the predecessor of Hong Kong LifeRoad Theological Seminary(HKLTS), was founded in Shenyang, China to train qualified ministers & missionaries wholly committed to the Word of God. The hope of the seminary was to launch a truly focused Christian theological training, with the aim of reforming Lord Jesus’ churches in mainland China. The uniqueness of such an institution is in its vision to serve local churches in China & train missionaries by the power of God the Holy Spirit for the expansion of the Kingdom of God and the glory of Triune God. Life Road Theological Seminary signed the MOU with Seoul Theological Seminary in South Korea for a joint degree in B.A. Currently, as of 2019, approx. 200 students graduated from Shenyang campus.


Hong Kong Liferoad Theological Seminary (HKLTS) Registered

In March 2017, HKLTS was registered in Hong Kong. The seminary was incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong for the purposes of training / educating / dispatching prospective church leaders & missionaries throughout the Silk Road, which covers China, Hong Kong, and Central Asian countries. HKLTS is exempt from Hong Kong government income tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


Start Up of HKLTS

With “Silk Road To Life Road” and “To the End of the World” as school slogan, Honk Kong LifeRoad Theological Seminary (HKLTS) was officially established on 1st September, 2018. HKLTS is an affiliated body of Hong Kong Korean Exodus Mission Church (HKKEMC) located in Shatin, Hong Kong. Dr. Kwun Ho Duck was appointed as the 1st president of HKLTS & Dr. Yoon Hyung Joong as chairman of the board of directors. The opening service was held at 4 p.m. in the main chapel hall of HKKEMC.


1 University with 7 Campuses

With Hong Kong campus as the administrative main body of the seminary, HKLTS has 7 branch campuses in mainland China and Central Asia. Hong Kong main campus located in Shatin area started 1st class (M.Div. : Book of Luke by Dr. Winnie) on 15 October, 2018 with 5 students. Eastern campus started church music class (B.A. & M.C.M) with 5 students, Northern campus with 12 students, Southern campus with 5 students, Almaty Kazakhstan with 15 students, and Uzbekistan with 20 students.


MOU Estabilished with South Western Baptist Theology Seminary (SWBTS)

In October 2016, HKLTS & SWBTS established the MOU to promote the academic cooperation between the two institutions. The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, School of Church Music proposed to offer in partnership with Life Road Mission, which is an affiliated body of HKLTS, a “Leadership Program in Church Music Ministry.” The purpose of the partnership was to equip church musicians in the biblical and theological foundations of church music ministry as well as practical ministry skills by providing quality education and training to future leaders in China.


MOU Estabilished with Virginia Christian University (VCU)

In June 2019, Hong Kong LifeRoad Theological Seminary (HKLTS) established the MOU with Virginia Christian University (VCU) for a joint degree (B.A. M.A. M.Div. D.Min) to promote mutual cooperation in the area of education, practice and cooperative educational exchange.


Video Lectures Provided form TMS

In 2020, we received a series of recorded video lectures from TMS Seminary, which TMS has graciously allowed us to use to teach pastors on the mission field. We had a meeting with the TMAI staff, and since then we have been working on subtitling the video lectures in Chinese, Russian, and Korean.


Malawi Campus Opening in Africa

In 2023, we launched a 100% online programme at the request of Pastor Lewis, a local pastor in Malawi, Africa. In December 2023, HKLTS VP Moses Yun and a team of five travelled to Malawi to inaugurate the Malawi campus. Since its opening, HKLTS has subscribed to the online programme platform ‘Classe365’ and has been teaching through a combination of video, Zoom and on-site classes.


MOU with MOODY Theological Seminary

In February 2024, HKLTS Director Abraham Yoon and Vice President Moses Yun visited Moody Theological Seminary to sign an MOU with the school for the certificate program. HKLTS’s professional praise team, the Life Road Singers, also visited and performed a praise concert at Moody Chapel.

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