Silkroad to Liferoad
Tel. (852) 5538 3501
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Wherever God calls, we’ll help you get there.


Hong Kong LifeRoad Theological Seminary is a higher education institution open to any qualified individual without regard to race, religion, gender, age, color, nation or ethnic origin, or disability. This non-discriminatory policy applies to admission policies and scholarship programs, and other institution administered programs, except where required by specific religious tenets held by the institution.

In examining the credential of applicants, admissions personnel consider the applicant’s Christian experience commitment and character. Academic ability as revealed in high school (or college for a M.Div. applicant) GPA standardized test scores, and extra-curricular activities contribute to the decision-making process.

For the regular seminary course (M.Div.) students are expected to give evidence of their calling to the ministry, which includes the pastorate, missionary and evangelistic work, Christian education, and other forms of vocational Christian service.

The scholastic requirement is a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
An official transcript of the applicant’s previous academic record must be submitted to HKLTS by the time of registration. The official record is requested by the prospective student, not by HKLTS. Nondegree students who are not working toward a degree or who are not able to pursue theological studies full time are occasionally admitted by the Team of Admissions.


1. Spiritual Requirements

The spiritual requirements at the Seminary have priority over any and all academic requirements. Because HKLTS prepares its students for a spiritual ministry, students must qualify certain spiritual qualities in prospective students. Therefore, each applicant is required to submit the following items :

1. A statement of personal conversion and of Christian experience and service. (Personal essay)

2. A signed application form which indicates that the applicant (1) is in agreement with the doctrinal position of HKLTS, as found in the doctrinal statement of this catalog, and (2) will abide cheerfully by the spirit and standards of HKLTS. Applicants who are not in full agreement with HKLTS’ doctrinal position may request Special Student status.

3. The name and address of at least one person who can testify to the applicant’s Christian or moral character and suitability for study.

2. Academic Requirements

The ability to successfully perform in HKLTS’ academic environment is judged by the applicant’s previous educational experience and test scores, with greater emphasis being placed upon the former. Since HKLTS is a higher education institution, a prospective student must meet minimum academic prerequisites consistent with higher education standards. Those minimum standards are as follows :

1. Complete transcript: A high school diploma (or a bachelor for an M.Div applicant) or equivalent is required for entrance into all programs. An applicant is responsible for having complete transcripts of all past school credit sent directly from the institution to the Team of Admissions of HKLTS.

2. Grades: Three factors are considered in relation to the applicant’s previous academic records : (1) the overall GPA; (2) the applicant’s class rank and the school size; and (3) the grade pattern from the freshman to senior year. It is normally expected that the applicants should rank in the upper half of their class and have a 2.0 or above GPA on a 4.0 system. Transfer students are also expected to have attained a 2.0 GPA in previous college work. Transfer students with a GPA of less than 2.0 may be accepted provisionally.

3. Christian Commitment & Experience

1. Christian Commitment

Since the stated purpose of HKLTS is to prepare qualified leaders for the Christian church and its related ministries, it is important that the values of the applicant can benefit from the programs and environment of HKLTS, three areas are reviewed:

a. Conversion: It is expected that students at HKLTS have confessed faith in Jesus Christas personal Savior. Applicants are asked to submit a statement concerning their personal faith.

b. Life style: To be comfortable in HKLTS environment, the applicant’s lifestyle should reflect Christian principles. To assist in the evaluation of the applicant’s qualification in this respect, a confidential character reference from a pastor or Christian leader is required. Applicants must also submit a concise statement describing their family background, personal experience and professional goals.

c. Belief : Since a major segment of HKLTS curriculum is devoted to the study of Bible content and reformed theological doctrine, it is important that the applicant receives a copy of HKLTS’ doctrine position concerning some contemporary issues in Scripture.

4. Policies

a. Equal Opportunity : HKLTS does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, age, handicap, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and other school-administered programs.

b. Provisional Acceptance : Applicants who transfer from an unaccredited institution, who do not meet the admissions criteria, who have not met the admissions test requirements, or who have not completed the admissions process may be granted provisional acceptance. In such cases the conditions and time limitations for full acceptance will be stipulated. When the requirements are met, the provisional status will be removed. Except for extenuating circumstances, the time limitations placed on provisional acceptance will not be extended.

5. Application Process

1) An application should be submitted in accordance with the instructions printed on the application form. A non-refundable application fee of 300 HKD should accompany the form. This application fee can be waived for the local pastors and church leadership in the mission field. It is recommended that high school students apply early in their senior year and that all students apply early in their senior year and that all students complete this application process one month prior to each semester.

2) Upon receipt of the application, the student will be sent the reference form(s), doctrinal statement, and financial aid (=scholarship) forms. These should be distributed to the proper persons and returned HKLTS as soon as possible. A delay in acceptance may be experienced when all required information has not been received by the Admissions Office.

3) Essay Questionnaire : Fill out the essay questionnaire (include any letters of explanation) and remember to sign it.

4) Doctrinal Statement of HKLTS: Read and sign our doctrinal statement saying that student will respect HKLTS’ views even though student may not agree with some of them. For students who are located at certain countries, you can do this through 1 on 1 Zoom video conferencing.

5) References: Complete student name on the reference form(s) and have the appropriate people complete each form. Reference(s) must have known you for at least one year.

6) Standardized Tests for Incoming Students: Submit your high school GPA or high school diploma for entering undergraduate programs / Bachelor’s degree or any equivalent for higher programs.

6. Partnership with Virginia Christian University (VCU)

Hong Kong LifeRoad Theological Seminary (HKLTS) established the MOU with Virginia Christian University (VACU) for a joint degree (B.A. M.A. M.Div. D.Min) to promote mutual cooperation in the area of education, practice and cooperative educational exchange.

Those who are willing to study in the States for further study (ex. M.Div or higher programs) after finishing any program(s) in HKLTS or wish to participate in the exchange program, consult with Academic Dean of each campus in HKLTS.

HKLTS & VACU came to an agreement for the issues stated below:
1) VACU will offer the Master of Divinity (M.Div) and Bachelor of Biblical Studies (BBS) degree programs in HKLTS campus.

2) VACU will offer a 120 credit hour Master of Divinity program to students.

3) For M.A. in Christian Counseling & M.Div with Counseling Concentration programs, VACU and HKLTS will offer designated credit hours.

4) VACU will unconditionally accept graduates of HKLTS’s Bachelor and Master degree programs according to the VACU’s Admission policy.

5) Graduates from HKLTS will be awarded a joint diploma of VACU and HKLTS.