Silkroad to Liferoad
Tel. (852) 5538 3501
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What we believe?

Believing that the Church is constantly in need of a sound ministry, committed to the Bible and the Confessional Standards of the church, HKLTS is dedicated to the following distinctive principles

Belief in the plenary verbal inspiration of Scripture resulting in an inerrant Word as it was originally given by God, and, therefore, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

Belief in the Reformed Faith as set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. HKLTS stands firmly on these historic confessional standards as they set forth the biblical faith. Full subscription to the whole of these Standards is the position of HKLTS.

Belief in the Great Commission as the mission of the Church. The Christian individual and in association with others, has obligations to function in all spheres of life by developing and practicing the full implications of the Christian world and life view in every human relationship and in all aspects of life and society under the Lordship of Christ.

Belief in Dynamic Spiritual Emphasis as a student must be walking in fellowship with God (the Holy Spirit) so that he or she can be taught by the Holy Spirit. The cultivation of the spiritual life is inseparably fused with the scholarly study of biblical and related subjects, thus providing an unusual classroom climate and a distinct theological education. All this is designed to prepare students to communicate the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Belief in Strong Commitment to Missions; HKLTS is firmly committed to promoting the missionary enterprise throughout the Silk Road. This Commitment is demonstrated in a variety of ways that provide exposure for students to the diverse nature of missions and the unique opportunities for career service in missions.

Emphasis on the practical as well as the theological aspects of ministry. HKLTS believes that learning “how” to minister is as important as learning “what” to minister, and therefore trains as well as instructs.(Mat.28:19-20).

Commitment to developing students for a ministry and service attitude as evidenced by preparing them both academically and experientially to serve Jesus Christ in the Church and society.

Evangelization. Seminary's education is based on church's essential calling for the purpose of evangelizing & discipleship. (Acts1:8)

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